
Renée Gray Beaumont

Nanjing Hero Dies Trying to Save Little Girl’s Life in Thailand

A 46-year-old lady, Wang Yuling, from Nanjing, drowned on 27 June in Pattaya, Thailand, while attempting to save the life of a little Chinese girl. At the hotel where Wang was staying, she saw a little girl struggling to...

International Students Can Now Legally Work in Nanjing

It has long been the case that students studying in China did not have the legal right to work or earn money in any way. Absurd as it was, this was the norm in most places in China, including Nanjing....

Kidnapped Chinese Student Feared Dead in Illinois

Missing Chinese scholar Zhang Yingying is believed by the FBI to be dead in the US state of Illinois. 27-year-old teaching assistant Brendt A. Christensen has been arrested on the grounds of kidnapping and is due to appear in...

Nanjing, Hong Kong & China; The Three Legged Stool Trick

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong from British rule to the People's Republic of China (PRC). As president Xi Jinping attends ceremonies in Hong Kong and the soldiers of Beijing march in unison across...

Dynastic Movie Location Village to be Built in Nanjing

28 June, Nanjing, saw the opening ceremony of the Huayi Brothers film village project. Founded in 1994, the Huayi Brothers Media Corp. is a Beijing based entertainment and media conglomerate and in 2014 it was China's seventh-largest film distributer....

Abandoned One Month Old Baby Found in Nanjing Park

Early morning joggers this morning discovered a one-month-old baby girl in a park. The joggers called the police and the baby has since been taken to the Nanjing Children’s Welfare Institute. Left on a park bench in Yuhuatai district,...

Nanjing Man Sentenced to 9 Years for Doctor Attack

23 June, Nanjing, saw defendant Zhao sentenced to nine years imprisonment and fined ¥10,000 forattacking and attempting to rob a doctor. The trial lasted no longer than two hours after which it was reported Mr. Zhao pleaded guilty. ...

Nanjing School Girl Receives Letter from The Queen

Nanjing Zhiyuan Foreign Language School fifth grader Chen Anzhi wrote three letters to the British Queen Elizabeth II and was rather shocked to receive a reply. "I did not expect to receive a reply, I feel very happy!" an...

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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

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Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

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Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

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