
Renée Gray Beaumont

Nanjing Beer Caves; Only Bears with Deep Pockets Need Apply

Were you knocking about Nanjing in 2008? If so, then you probably have fond memories of the only watering holes in town at that time; old faithful Bluesky, no longer behind anything Behind The Wall, Scarlets 1 and 2,...

Nanjing Man Murdered in UAE Desert

August 2017, Nanjing businessman Mr. Luo went missing after he arrived in Dubai. Police later discovered his body after what was to be a series of deceitful events. Involved in the import milk and probiotic business,...

Takeaway Little Brother Group Martyr; The New Road Killer

Food delivery APPs have driven the takeaway food industry into mayhem recently with East coast authorities cracking down on road safety. The three main contenders, Baidu Waimai, Eleme and Meituan, give incentives to their couriers for...

Cases Canoed Out of Court

Heavy non-stop rain on 25 September caused severe flooding in Nanjing. The situation became so bad that water levels rose ankle deep in the courtrooms of Qixia, in the northeast of Nanjing, reported The Yangtze Evening Post. ...

Taobao Teams with Police to Target Child Traffickers

Taobao is helping out local police from all over the country to help track down missing children, by placing into users’ message boxes information regarding numerous missing children from around China. Information such as age, gender,...

Nanjing; China’s International City of Peace

Thanks to hard campaigning by Nanjing University Professor, Liu Cheng, and Executive Chairman of the Institute of the Nanjing Massacre History and International Peace program, Mr. Zhang Jianjun, Nanjing has officially become China’s first International City of Peace. ...

Orthodox Veganism in China; For the Plant-Based Master Only

At my age, I am quite comfortable with vegetarianism, I certainly understand it and it does not seem strange or difficult. However, veganism to me was pretty darned illusive. Of course, I had heard of it....

Liquid Ecstasy Disguised and Floating Through KTVs Across China

Chinese media has re-surfaced news that the party drink Kawa Chao Yin (literally translated as Wow! Tide Drink) is possibly still available to buy and remains harmful to youngsters. Circles on social media and micro blogging...

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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

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Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

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Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

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