
Renée Gray Beaumont

You Say “Dofu”, I Say “Toufu”; The Global Rise of Mandarin

“Better start learning Mandarin!”, was the phrase of the early 2000’s, as more and more people returned from trips to China with a deeper understanding of what that meant; get on board. The more people that, over the past...

Surgeon Death Resurfaces “Overwork” Problems in China

The Chinese word Guòláosǐ (过劳死), loaned from the Japanese word Karōshi (過労死), means death from overwork, and recent history teaches us that China has, for some time now, suffered from such cases. In December of 2017, at the age of...

Riding The Happy Train; Bridging the Gap with Left Behind Kids

One hundred students from Nanjing gathered at the S9 Xiangyu South metro station, on 4 February, to board the Happy Train, bound for the southern countryside of Nanjing. The students were off to the district of Gaochun to meet...

Nanjing Government Makes Strides in Transparency to Local Expats

Friday 2 February saw the first of 2018’s international briefing conferences held by two local government bodies; the Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal People's Political Consultative Congress, at Xianlin’s Novotel hotel. The multilingual conference featured government bodies, local journalists,...

Funding Next Generation Industries; Xi’s Drive for Creativity

They call them “New Growth” or “Next Generation” industries which have taken over from the industrial sector and is what now what helps fuel China’s economy. A new documentary by NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) China: The Great Dragon, takes a...

A Hygge Revolution; the New Chinese Luxury

Before you begin you must first get the pronunciation of this word correct, for you will go on to read it an obscene number of times throughout this article; hygge or hyoogah not hygee. hygge/ˈhʊɡ ga//ˈh(j)uːɡ:gə/ In his hit book The Little...

Nanjing Breakthrough in Infertility Stem Cell Development

Nanjing scientists say they have reason to celebrate for what they are calling a breakthrough in infertility treatment. An injectable smart collagen scaffold with biomaterials, developed by the scientists, uses human umbilical cord mesenchyme stem cells to help heal ovaries....

Nanjing Angels and PLA Help Pave Way to Snow Relief

Uncharacteristic falls of snow this winter has caused quite the stir amongst us Jiangsunians, causing non-stop neighbourly chatter about the intensity, road relief and how the snow might be cooling down our air-conditioners, that amongst other gripes, seem never...

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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

Certainly it can be felt on the streets of Nanjing these days. Our city is once again “en vogue”...

Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

Suzhou’s GDP in the 1st quarter of this year topped half a trillion renminbi, a year-on-year growth of 7.9...

Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

Check in counters might be the oddest of places to hold an anniversary celebration for 45 years of ties...

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