
Renée Gray Beaumont

Is Didi Doomed? China’s Uber Meets New Challenges

It used to be that it could be impossible to find a cab in Nanjing, especially if it was raining, or 6pm. Contrast this with today's situation, in which thousands of taxis go literally unused for the whole day,...

Nanjinger Jailed in US for Insider Trading

Google searches into insider trading have landed a Nanjing man in an American jail for 15 to 30 months. The imprisoned has also been ordered to forfeit $119,429 of the proceeds that were made as a result of his...

Nanjing Cambridge Uni to Solidify China International Education

The UK's biggest study-abroad fair, showcasing 74 of the worlds universities that teach courses in English, was recently held in Manchester and London. China's presence at The STUDENT WORLD was strong, with universities discussing at length various education and...

Nanjing Official Jailed for Selling Private Information

Would you pay Facebook not to sell your data? The very essence of this question, asked by Sean Burch, writing for The Register Citizen, shows the stark reality we all now face when sharing our personal information online. Facebook’s recent...

CCTV’s 3.15 Hall of Shame Airs its Annual Disgraces

Former US president John F Kennedy, on 15 March 1962, famously said, “Consumers by definition include us all. They are the largest economic group, affecting and affected by almost every public and private economic decision. Yet they are the...

Wine Fakes Flicked Before Consumer Rights Day

Jiangsu is going flat out before the clock strikes 12 on China’s nationwide 3.15 Consumer Rights Day to clear out all “fakes”. This all encompassing word for anything “non-officially” produced has seen fake designer labels, cars, DVDs, and even tickets...

Out Of Africa; Xinjiekou Grooves to Ghana

Have you ever gone online to see what “Western” or “international” food options there exist in Nanjing? Perhaps you were looking for a new place to take your friends? Or perhaps you were looking for somewhere to host your...

Dali! And Why it’s the Cool Kid of China

“How much is this?” I asked the shop keeper, holding a handmade leather bag. It smelled raw and felt smooth, styled rustically. It brought me back to Chiapas, in the mountains of southern Mexico. A place that, just as...

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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

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Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

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Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

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