
Maya Visari

10 Times Faster Than 5G; VLC Technology Unveiled in Chongqing

August 24th, the world's first commercial-grade, ultra-wideband Visible Light Communication (VLC) chipset was unveiled at the debut of the Zhibo Fair in Chongqing.  Said to be 10 times faster than 5G, the chipset supports high-speed transmissions of gigabits per second,...

Nanjing’s Most Honest Hands Over ¥5.56m Winning Lottery Ticket

Lottery shop owner, Liu, from Gaochun District, Nanjing, was surprised to learn the lottery ticket he had just purchased bore the winning numbers for a¥5.56m jackpot. Liu’s friend had messaged him asking if he could buy some tickets on his...

No Fan Bingbing for Bruce Willis and Mel Gibson

Chinese acting royalty and illustrious Fan Bingbing has seen her name tainted of late as her company continues to be embroiled in a tax evasion investigation.    As reported by Global Times, Fan’s name has recently been removed from a...

Public Reprimand; Chinese Anchor Dobbed-On by Gamers

On 31 July, 2018, after audience members complained to police about a female online game anchor, the lady in question received a public reprimand on Chinese micro-blogging site Weibo, for references and recordings she made about the Nanjing Massacre...

China Education Battles; Fake School Exposed in Nanjing

Nanjing’s millions of students are afforded a well deserved break when the city’s hottest months settle in. But for some there is no rest for the wicked. Any ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher will testify to the...

Local Gang Arrested for Online Gambling; ¥700m Profit in 2 Years

On 18 July, 2018, it was reported that 23 people in nearby Zhenjiang city involved in online gambling are linked to a gang which reportedly profited upwards of ¥700 million, since its beginnings in 2016. According to Xinhua News, the...

Child Shooting; Girl Paralysed in Nanjing, Villagers Jailed

If the world has learned anything from the United States of America over the past decade, it has been that slack gun laws enable the shooting of others by the wrong people easily and en mass. On the other...

Canada Bus Crash; One Dead & 24 Jiangsu Tourists Injured

Canadian news has revealed a number of people from a Jiangsu tour group have been injured and at least one has died in a bus accident that occurred at 14:37 on 4 June, 2018. According to various reports, the tour...

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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

Certainly it can be felt on the streets of Nanjing these days. Our city is once again “en vogue”...

Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

Suzhou’s GDP in the 1st quarter of this year topped half a trillion renminbi, a year-on-year growth of 7.9...

Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

Check in counters might be the oddest of places to hold an anniversary celebration for 45 years of ties...

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