
Matthew Stedman

Safe Drinking Water? Developing Tea is the Best Kind of Tea

Among the anecdotal indicators of a country’s being developing or developed is the availability of drinkable tap water.  A developing nation which has laid down the world’s most extensive railway network can add safe water pipes to that in record...

Teapot D’Azur; Feeling Zen with Cannes Here, Monaco there

Let me state that The Nanjinger has not paid for me to be here. Nanjing is far too far away and the expenses for such a glamorous patch could easily spiral beyond control. I write from Juan Les Pines...

The Taste of Stress; Ready to Listen to Heavy Metal?

Does tea itself contribute stress?The answer here is: surely, yes.If so, then what’s the remedy?Why, clearly, it’s a cup of tea. Hard-liquor drinkers sometimes make that face; the one that isn’t just pleasure. Children must see this wincing face when...

More Chinese than China? Bamboozled by The Greenest Possible Cup

You don’t need to come to Asia to encounter bamboo; it’s there on the steering wheel of the E-Type Jaguar, on umbrella handles, there on that corporal punishment device once kept behind teachers’ desks. Even edible bamboo was a concept...

Intellectual Proper Tea; An Incoming Nanjing Protocol?

This is the era of big data. There was more digital data created, stored and shared in the past 2 years than all of the digital data existing before that.  What used to be a computer thing is now a...

Leave the Weekly Caber Toss to Someone Qualified, Like a Woman

We’d bought quite a nice one, actually.  It had made sense because we were only the second people ever to have lived in that apartment. Everything was very modern and sleek in there, though it was also restrictively small.  We’d previously...

Give the Tea a Rest; Use a Powder Sachet Instead

I am a contrarian. All of this unpopular opining of mine may look like critical thinking, heroic truth-seeking.  But don’t be fooled; it’s just knee-jerk doggerel.  My world-view is permanently controlled by the assumption that “those millions of people talking around me...

Absinthe Makes the Pu Er Grow Fonder

Alcohol makes you mellow and unconstrained. And then it makes you boisterous and shouty. Caffeine banishes fatigue from the limbs and the brow, then makes you arrogant and shouty. Such are the devils we know.   There’s a huge variety...

About Me

Matthew Stedman has spent years living and working in China. He has sold Chinese tea in the UK, and loves discussing the miraculous leaf with new (and suspicious) audiences. He however never feels happier than when researching the product here in beautiful South China. Email him via Matthew Stedman在中国生活工作了多年。多年在 中英两国从事茶叶贸易的他,喜欢和新读者讨论神 奇的东方树叶(虽然有时他的读者保持怀疑态度)。 没什么比在美丽的江南走访品尝各种茶叶更让他开 心的事了。

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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

Certainly it can be felt on the streets of Nanjing these days. Our city is once again “en vogue”...

Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

Suzhou’s GDP in the 1st quarter of this year topped half a trillion renminbi, a year-on-year growth of 7.9...

Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

Check in counters might be the oddest of places to hold an anniversary celebration for 45 years of ties...

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