
Lauren Zammit

Reasonable Racism? Beijing Shop Bans Chinese

A clothing store in Beijing has sparked controversy after putting up a sign that read “Chinese not admitted (except for staff)”; the most recent slab of racism in China to dominate news headlines. Several employees shared with the Beijing...

Singledom in the Middle Kingdom

The big day is finally here! It’s Singles’ Day; a time of year in which China’s bachelors and bachelorettes celebrate their lonesome relationship status in style. Who are the masterminds behind this wonderful idea? As it turns out, Nanjingers...

Smog Inspiring Style; Pollution Masks at China’s Fashion Week

China’s Fashion Week has seen numerous pollution masks being paraded down the runway; a trend unsurprisingly inspired by China’s worrisome air quality. While several controversial creations have been displayed at this event, currently underway in Beijing,...

Expat Dissatisfaction with China Exposed

Survey results recently published by Internations, an online community for expatriates worldwide, has concluded that a mere 14 percent of those living in China are completely satisfied with their life overseas; a value which falls below the worldwide average...

“Ka-Ching!”; the Sound of Golden Week

Credit cards being swiped, cash registers swiftly opening and closing, and shopping bags (handfuls of them) filled with luxurious merchandise; these are few of the sights that surrounded Chinese shopaholics during the recently-passed “Golden Week”, China’s annual period of...

Unlikely Companions; Fire And Ice To Solve Energy Crisis?

A new energy source will solve China’s resource problem; or so they say. Methane hydrate, otherwise known as “fire ice”, is an ice-like structure which natural methane gas (a cleaner alternative to typical petroleums) is trapped within. ...

Bus Brawls Batter Chinese Reputation

A string of horrifying videos, all of which revolve around the disintegrating social etiquette standards on China’s public transportation, has ignited controversial discussion on social media websites throughout the past weeks.  As is common practice the world over, certain...

Getting a Haircut in China (inc. Essential Vocabulary!)

What do you get when you cross a foreigner with a Chinese hair-dresser? This sounds like the opening line of a poor joke. For expats living in China, however, this combination is no joke; it is our unnerving reality. The...

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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

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Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

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Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

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