
Laura Schmitt

The Merry Unmarried; a Growing Legion

Monday 11th November is Single’s Day in China (11/11), hallmarking the pressure on young Chinese to find a suitable partner in the national dating pool. In 2011 the number of singletons in China reached a staggering 180 million, with...

Writing on the Wall Speaks Of Generation Little Emperor’s Hardship

Graffiti scrawled on Nanjing’s City Wall on 9th October, 2013 speaks of the pressure on young Chinese to become property owners. The writing by an unidentified person read, “By the time I am 24 for I must own a...

Asia Bike successfully opens doors to public for third time

For the third year in a row, the leading exhibition for cyclists and bike enthusiasts in China, Asia Bike, allowed the public to inspect the newest range of products lined up by the biking industry. On...

Top Nanjing Sites Buried Under Sea Of Tourists Over National Holiday

Endless traffic jams as early as 8 o´clock in the morning. Driveways full of people dodging the overcrowded walkways. Nearly half a million people visited the Sun-Yat Sen Mausoleum during the National Holidays. This year, just...

Missile Silos in China Detected by US; they’re Yongding Roundhouses

Something like a 3-hour trip from tropical Xiamen sit the roundhouses of the Hakka. Declared a UNESCO world cultural heritage site in 2008 due to their unique style and architectural creativity, these houses reached fame due to an amusing...

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Foreigners Coming to Nanjing Return to Near Pre-COVID Levels

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Just how has Suzhou become a Hotbed for the Private Economy?

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Nanjing-Melbourne Flight Marks 45 Years as Sister State Friends

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