

Qian Yan from the toll station of Jiangyin Bridge: star of a hundred million toll – Note of deputy of the 19th CPC National...

Qian Yan is secretary of the Party branch of Jiangyin Bridge toll station of Jiangsu Yangzi Bridge Company. Having been a toll collector for 18 years, she has collected tolls from more than one million cars and is elected...

Li Lannv, from a village girl to a textile expert- Note of deputy of the 19th CPC National Congress

Born in Xinghua of Taizhou, Li Lannv went fishing with her parents since childhood. Later she went to a textile technical school, and became a process engineer at Nantong Shuanglian Textile Company in 1999. Soon after she started working, Li...

Grand First Writing Ceremony Makes Guinness World Record

Nearly a thousand kids have set a new Guinness World Record for attending a group first writing ceremony at Bao'en Temple Heritage Park in Nanjing of Jiangsu province, Sept. 23. Aging between three to six, the...

Time-Lapse Video Captures Impression of Nanjing

A time-lapse video has sparkled out among various publicity materials for Nanjing recently. Named “Impression of Nanjing”, the 178-second video, which took the team two years, contains 50 iconic spots and 76 alleys of Nanjing. Click here to watch...

Foreign Teachers Help Students in Yancheng

More and more foreign teachers choose to teach in Yancheng. Reid is from Iowa in the US. The 28-year-old American is an English teacher at Yancheng Ziwei Kindergarten. When our reporter interviewed Reid on Friday, he had just finished...

College Canteen that will Turn You Green with Envy

Remember the crappy food and drab campus of your college? If that brings back bad memories, this will turn you green with envy. This year's freshmen in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics will become the first group to...

Suning Opens Unmanned Store with Face Recognition Payment in Nanjing

Customers purchase goods at an unmanned store of China's e-commerce platform Suning Appliance in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province, Aug. 28, 2017. The unmanned store, which recognizes customers' identity through face recognition system, is...

Expat magazine has a new look

To greet its seventh birthday, THE NANJIGNER, a popular magazine of local guide for foreigners, took on a new look in its latest issue, which is also the first time for the magazine to make a change. ...

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