
Frank Hossack

Nanjing International School Wins Leadership Award in London

The Chinese New Year was just around the corner. On the other side of the world, an international education award ceremony was about to hand Nanjing International School (NIS) the only award given to a school in China. On 20...

Signs We are Winning the War as Nanjing Discharges 6 Patients

Emerging data is painting a picture that China’s enormous epidemic prevention measures are paying off. More patients were pronounced cured and discharged here in Nanjing while figures from multiple sources show the epidemic is slowing. In the afternoon of 5...

Nanjing First with Financial Help for Coronavirus-Hit Businesses

There is the growing realisation that life must go on; that we all need eat. As such, Jiangbei New Area in Nanjing is the first such area in China to roll out generous policies offering financial support for businesses...

International School Mum Organises Helicopter Airlift to Wuhan

Countless stories have emerged telling of selfless sacrifice made to defeat the coronavirus, but one stands out for its connection to the international community. With a touch of drama, a parent from the British School of Nanjing (BSN) has...

CCTV Creates “Living with the Coronavirus” Infographic

We are told we should not take public transportation and we are very aware of that temperature check when entering the metro. None of that, however, has stopped CCTV from creating a coronavirus infographic that takes the form of...

Temperature Checks for Coronavirus Rolled out on Nanjing Metro

Temperature checks are becoming the norm in Nanjing, as the city continues the fight against the outbreak of coronavirus 19-nCoV. Office buildings, shops and now public transportation have all now begun the practice. The Nanjing Metro has today started...

Nanjing Firm Develops Higher-Accuracy Coronavirus Diagnostic Kit

The end of the coronavirus outbreak is looking more and more distant, but there at least comes some good news, in the form of more accurate diagnostics for 19-nCoV. And it’s a Nanjing company that we have to thank...

Coronavirus is NOT in Nanjing's Water Supply

The gossipmongers are having a ball. With most of China’s urban residents following the advice to stay at home, some have little to do but spread false rumours. Among them, that Nanjing’s drinking water may be contaminated with 19-nCoV. Their...

About Me

Editor-in-Chief of The Nanjinger, Frank Hossack, is a multi-award winning Radio/TV host who has worked in China for the past 30 years. Frank has also written for Time magazine and The Times, appeared on the BBC and LBC, and been cited by CNN, China Daily and the New York Times, among many others.
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