
Frank Hossack

Expat Personal Health Declaration Card at Last in Nanjing

Restaurants have received a much-needed shot in the arm in the form of a sit-down meal by one of Nanjing's top leaders, as foreigners in the city are now able to obtain the Personal Health Declaration Card so that...

When will the Schools Reopen and what Happens then?

For parents in China, a main preoccupation these days is the eternal wondering as to when schools may finally reopen their doors to children as the country recovers from the coronavirus outbreak, that and what might their policies be...

Fugitives On-the-Run Nabbed Due to Heightened Police Checks

Epidemic prevention efforts in China have had the pleasing side effect of enabling the capture of literally thousands of on-the-run fugitives nationwide, thanks in large to increased police checks. “I can't stand it ... Attention, police officers, I have to...

Biggest Nanjing Earthquake Since Records Began

A magnitude 3.0 earthquake struck the city of Nanjing yesterday lunchtime that, according to experts, was the largest quake in the city's main urban area since scientific instruments became available. The earthquake struck at 12:25 pm on Tuesday 3 March....

Vote Now for Best Entry in the Coronavirus Art Competition!

The Expat “Stop the Coronavirus” Art Competition today enters its closing stages, with an invitation to the general public to vote for their favourite work(s) among the many submitted entries. Voting can be done via WeChat by following this...

China Back in the Skies as Airlines Begin Boycott of South Korea

With China over the worst of Covid-19, airlines are ramping up efforts to get people back to work, and themselves back to profitability. Yet, the move provides little relief, as airlines both domestic and foreign begin stopping flights to...

8 Decades of Volunteer Warriors Fight Covid-19 in Rural Nanjing

China’s approach to epidemic prevention has been implemented at every level of society, but there has been little media coverage of the efforts by rural communities and those of all ages who volunteer therein.  That changed yesterday with the publication...

Ticket Prices Soar as Korea & Japan Flights to Self Quarantine

With the 94 quarantined passengers who arrived Tuesday in Nanjing from Korea released this morning, all those coming from both Korea and Japan are now requested to do same at home, while prices for flights from Korea to China...

About Me

Editor-in-Chief of The Nanjinger, Frank Hossack, is a multi-award winning Radio/TV host who has worked in China for the past 30 years. Frank has also written for Time magazine and The Times, appeared on the BBC and LBC, and been cited by CNN, China Daily and the New York Times, among many others.
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