
Frank Hossack

Lady’s Uncivilised Conduct on Nanjing Metro a Viral Sensation

Nanjing Metro authorities have launched an investigation into the behaviour of a passenger, video of which has gone viral on account the lady in question simultaneously breaks several of the Metro’s regulations, displaying scant regard for the well being...

Understanding China 101 from the Trenches

A pleasant surprise it was indeed to have in the last week come across our editorial desk a copy of “You Don’t Understand Our China”, authored by none other than previous staff writer for The Nanjinger, Renee Beaumont, together...

10,000 Hotel Room Boost for Nanjing to Begin by Year End

Weekend brunchers beware, Nanjing’s line up of top-notch hoteliers is set to be boosted significantly in the next few years, by as much as almost 10,000 rooms, making us spoiled for choice when it comes to those all-you-can-eat buffet...

Dramatic High-Speed Car Crash Highlights China Highway Dangers

The National Day spike in traffic leads inevitably to more accidents on China’s roads. One incident in our own Jiangsu Province captured by surveillance cameras clearly shows the dangers associated with expressway exits, where many an accident takes place. It...

FAQ – What’s the Deal with the Moon Cake?

Moon cake plays a central role in the Mid Autumn Festival that this year falls tomorrow, National Day. During this time, one is supposed to pay homage to the moon, make sacrifice to the moon and eat moon cake,...

Moon Fever! Confucius Temple Tops List for 2020’s Best Viewpoint

Moon watching is argued as the most elegant Mid Autumn Festival activity, while Qinhuai District prides itself on being the cultural core of Nanjing. Put the two together and you have a wealth of options from which to view...

Holiday Transport Update; Nanjing Metro Lines to Run until 24:00

With the upcoming National Day and Mid Autumn Festival combined, operational hours of the Nanjing Metro are to be be extended, while some bus routes will be adjusted, chief among which are those around the Nanjing Massacre Memorial. As has...

Limb Lengthening Back in Spotlight as Local Man Faces Paralysis

A local man now facing paralysis is bringing back to light the dangers of “limb lengthening” surgery. With the practice driven underground in China, those dreaming of being taller headed abroad for the complicated procedure that left many with...

About Me

Editor-in-Chief of The Nanjinger, Frank Hossack, is a multi-award winning Radio/TV host who has worked in China for the past 30 years. Frank has also written for Time magazine and The Times, appeared on the BBC and LBC, and been cited by CNN, China Daily and the New York Times, among many others.
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