
Frank Hossack

Finless Porpoise Photography Competition Winners Announced

Known as the "smiling angel", sightings of the first-class protected Yangtze River Finless Porpoise are becoming increasingly frequent, to the extent that a second photography competition has produced some stunning shots of the unique beast in its natural habitat. On...

Drunk Driver 5 Times Over Limit Buses 26 Fearful Wuxi-Nanjing

A couple of dozen passengers travelling by bus from Wuxi to Nanjing got the fright of their lives recently, when the bus they were travelling in was pulled over by high-speed traffic police and their driver found to be...

Nanjing Volunteer Helps Elderly; 30,000 Steps a Day for 46 Years

A more inspiring dedication to selflessness would be hard to find. Now encroaching on old age himself, a Nanjing man in the city’s Qixia District has been volunteering to assist vulnerable elderly residents with their daily needs every day...

Stand by for 1 Minute of Honking Horns on 13 December

Next Sunday, 13 December, marks the 83rd anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre. Always a sombre occasion, preparations are already at an advanced stage, including announcements as to traffic diversions and an instruction for motorists to blare their horns out...

Nanjing Air Quality Best its Been in 7 Years

With people spending more time in Nanjing this year than ever before, many have also noticed that the city’s skies have been remarkably clear for the bulk of 2020. It’s no illusion, and the industrial shutdown of early this...

The Nanjing Marathon’s Dirty Secret; 15 Minutes to Clean up!

China logistics deserves an official dictionary definition, meaning “to tackle an enormous logistical challenge by throwing all the resources of the universe at it”, So it was with Sunday’s Nanjing Marathon, right down to those who readied the track...

Are We in for the Coldest Winter? Nanjing’s Official Outlook

Talk of the town in Nanjing of late has been the upcoming winter, with much of the populace convincing themselves (and others) that the cold spell of 2020/21 is going to be a shocker. Scientific data, on the other...

Water, Water, Everywhere, Nor any Drop to Drink

While we speed along in a high-speed train on our way to Shanghai through the water towns of southern Jiangsu Province; Wuxi, Suzhou et al, it’s sobering to think that a little more than a decade ago, not only...

About Me

Editor-in-Chief of The Nanjinger, Frank Hossack, is a multi-award winning Radio/TV host who has worked in China for the past 30 years. Frank has also written for Time magazine and The Times, appeared on the BBC and LBC, and been cited by CNN, China Daily and the New York Times, among many others.
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