
Frank Hossack

Nice One, Shanghai! Now Proud Owner of World’s Longest Metro

The big smoke of Shanghai got a bit bigger this past weekend, as the city’s metro system expanded once again Saturday, but this time by sufficient length for it to be able to legitimately claim the title as world’s...

China’s First Cesarean Section Gibbon Birth in Nanjing

Happy 1st lunar birthday to Nanjing’s newest primate! A recent addition to the city's family is being celebrated for being “two firsts”; China’s first birth of a Siamang gibbon by cesarean section and Nanjing Hongshan Zoo’s first Siamang reproduction. Lucky,...

Shigu Lu Heist Suspect Caught in Chengdu; Stolen Items Recovered

The dramatic capture of the fugitive in last’s week’s heist from a luxury store in the centre of Nanjing has taken place on the other side of the country, less than 3 days after the robbery itself and only...

2002 Murder Case Solved; Only the Most Gruesome Homicide Remains

Nanjing Police is an efficient bunch of cops. Last year, the force solved no less than 13 outstanding murder cases, one dating back as far as 2002. But the city still must wait for closure in the most famous...

Heist! Luxury Items Worth ¥13 Million Stolen in Xinjiekou

Hollywood could not have done it better. Designer items from some of by world’s top brands have been stolen from a downtown Nanjing store this week, right under the eye of the largest concentration of surveillance cameras, in a...

New Nationwide Train Timetable Links All of Jiangsu with Beijing

Just before the Chinese New Year and with COVID remaining an ominous threat might not be the best time to launch hundreds of new services in a revamped nationwide railway timetable. But what’s done is done; nevertheless, some who...

Rubbish Classification with English! What About Where You Live?

With it being almost 3 months since Nanjing implemented rubbish classification, The Nanjinger figured it was time for a check up on our fair city’s progress as to environmental protection efforts in the field. Turns out there is still...

Noodle Shop Boss Ties Child to Table Because He is “Too Busy”

Without grandparents or other forms of child care, many running their own restaurant in China can only bring their young children to work with them. Most, however, do not then tie them up to prevent them wandering off. Most...

About Me

Editor-in-Chief of The Nanjinger, Frank Hossack, is a multi-award winning Radio/TV host who has worked in China for the past 30 years. Frank has also written for Time magazine and The Times, appeared on the BBC and LBC, and been cited by CNN, China Daily and the New York Times, among many others.
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