
Frank Hossack

An End to Cruelty? Nanjing Leads China in Push for Cultured Meat

Abbatoir. One of those things we wish didn’t exist, perhaps something we hope we could uninvent. But that reality may in fact come to be in the not so distant future, with scientists in Nanjing among those at the...

Man Survives 70-Metre Jump from Bridge After Suicide Attempt

A suicide attempt last week in Nanjing has been happily averted after officers from a dedicated garrison were able to pluck a man to safety following his jump from the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge into the chilly waters 70 metres...

Disinfection of a Cross-Border Train at High Speed. It’s a Thing!

China continues to pull out all the stops in her determination to avoid any exponential growth in the numbers of coronavirus variant cases. In one of the more notable efforts, disinfection of cross-border trains has come to pass in...

300-Year-Old European Paintings of Nanjing Donated to Museum

A batch of rare copper engravings of Nanjing scenes produced by foreigners in the 17th and 18th centuries are going on display in the Jiangsu Provincial Chronicles Museum after their being the first donation to the museum in 2021. From...

Rewards Offered for “Dobbing In” Illegal Nanjing Fireworks’ Vendors

With Chinese New Year just around the corner, and most people advised not to return to their hometown, so the temptation to buy and let off fireworks has never been greater. Authorities are therefore offering rewards to those who...

Gang of Women Kleptomaniacs Caught Red Handed in Nanjing

Three women in Nanjing have had their Impulse Control Disorders revealed to the world, thanks to surveillance cameras that caught the surprisingly well-off ladies stealing from the city’s shopping malls if for no other reason than seeking stimulation. A probe...

Adopt an Animal to Help Save Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo!

Nanjingers have these past few days responded in kind to a plea from our city’s zoo to assist in addressing the financial difficulty it faces at present, as another institutional victim of COVID. And nothing will stop them in...

Pregnant Woman whose Waters’ Broke Gets Emergency Police Escort

Nanjing law enforcement were out playing their role as good samaritans earlier this week, providing a dramatic, high-speed, motorcycle-police escort to a pregnant woman whose waters broke in a car while stuck  in a downtown traffic jam. “Where are you...

About Me

Editor-in-Chief of The Nanjinger, Frank Hossack, is a multi-award winning Radio/TV host who has worked in China for the past 30 years. Frank has also written for Time magazine and The Times, appeared on the BBC and LBC, and been cited by CNN, China Daily and the New York Times, among many others.
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