
Frank Hossack

2 Dead in Explosion at NUAA Jiangning Campus; 9 others Injured

Two fatalities and nine more injured were the results of an explosion which ripped through Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics yesterday afternoon. The blast at "Nanhang", known for its work on military and space programs, is the latest...

Wild Boar Terrorises Neighbourhood in Nanjing’s Gulou District

A wild boar has entertained itself by scaring residents and security guards at a residential community in Nanjing, before becoming injured and finally sedated by zookeepers called in to assist with the potentially dangerous situation. The past few days saw...

Adopted in Nanjing; US Lady, Now 26, Seeks Biological Parents

She was born in Nanjing but life got off to a bad start. Finding a home with an American couple, she felt confused and challenged in the process of growing up. And now she wants to know where she...

Tesla Driver Sleeps & McClaren Totally Trashed on Nanjing Roads

Foreign cars and their drivers are in the headlines in Nanjing this week, as a photo of a driver who appeared to be sleeping while using Tesla’s Autopilot feature went viral, and a McClaren sports car had its top...

Former Son-in-Law to Pay ¥160,000 in Child Support Back Payments

Nanjing’s lawyers have been busy of late tackling an unusual child support case. All said and done, a Nanjing grandmother is delighting in having successfully sued her former son-in-law for payment of child support he had promised but had...

Nabbed! Taxi Driver Caught Targetting “Easy to Cheat” Foreigners

Foreigners and out of towners have recently been found to be the targets of a particular Nanjing taxi driver, one who had also installed a device in his car to inflate the distances travelled, and thus the fares to be...

A Dichotomy of Chinese Emotion; Pressure Cooker or Placid Calm?

Whatever you do as a Chinese, keep a poker face (喜怒不形于色). Because it’s not about experiencing emotions. It’s about not expressing them. But in a society which glorifies non-verbal implications, there should be no need to express any emotion anyway. In...

Little Tibet, Vultures & the Café at the End of the World

It’s pretty difficult to take photos on a train from Nanjing to Lanzhou, largely because the blessed thing spends most of its time in tunnel after tunnel after tunnel. At least it does on the interesting part of the journey. Truth...

About Me

Editor-in-Chief of The Nanjinger, Frank Hossack, is a multi-award winning Radio/TV host who has worked in China for the past 30 years. Frank has also written for Time magazine and The Times, appeared on the BBC and LBC, and been cited by CNN, China Daily and the New York Times, among many others.
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