
Frank Hossack

British-Chinese Diplomat Serving in Xinjiang; George Macartney

George Macartney (马继业) was initially a translator, but one who went on to become a consummate diplomat as Consul General in Kashgar at Britain’s first diplomatic office in the region. Born in Nanjing on 19 January, 1867, to a British...

Doing it the Hard Way; Nanjing’s Own (Half Foreign) Cider Brand

Theoretically, Chinese people should absolutely love cider. Theoretically. But of course they don’t. Or rather, they didn’t. And seeking a spot near the top of those emerging tastes is a home grown cider brand, of Chinese and American descent. Sweet...

Inter Milan Sale; Saudi Set to Save Suning for US$1 Billion?

The potential sale of one of the world’s most famous football clubs is offering a glimmer of hope to Nanjing’s heavily indebted Suning. With a billion dollars on the table, the saviour of our city’s celebrated, former success story...

New Year Detention for Nanjing Man for Nabbing Ferrero Rocher

Forrest Gump would be saddened beyond words. But also heartened that the Nanjing Police had caught the man responsible for stealing a whole lot of his beloved boxes of chocolates. A total of 1,600 Ferrero Rocher in fact, but he...

JD Mall is Coming to Nanjing and will be the Size of Costco

Not satisfied with being China’s largest online retailer, JD is to open its latest physical mega mall in our very own Nanjing. And it’s promising to be much the same size as Costco that is also on its way...

Bringing Indonesia to Nanjing; Still Time to See Culture Expo

The magic of Indonesian batik is among the many examples of the country’s cultural heritage on display at a unique exhibition taking place in Nanjing that promises to be an opportunity to bring in 2022 with a difference. “We bring...

Nanjing Metro Length Tops 400KM as 2 New Lines Begin Operation

Nanjing has not seen a new metro line open in 3 and a half years. That all changed today as Line S6 and the West Extension to Line 2 opened to the travelling public, bringing the length of the...

A Sustainably Christian Christmas? Nanjing’s Eco-bible Printer 

Today and tomorrow, the world’s Christian churches shall be packed to capacity, or at least as much as COVID will allow. Therein, the faithful will read scripture and sing hymns read from bibles that were quite probably printed in...

About Me

Editor-in-Chief of The Nanjinger, Frank Hossack, is a multi-award winning Radio/TV host who has worked in China for the past 30 years. Frank has also written for Time magazine and The Times, appeared on the BBC and LBC, and been cited by CNN, China Daily and the New York Times, among many others.
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