
Frank Hossack

What do Birthing Tigers and Smiling Porpoises have in Common?

New year offerings, that’s what. Somewhat delightfully, a tiger at Nanjing’s Jinniu Lake Wildlife Kingdom gave birth yesterday, 1 Feb., the 1st day of the Year of the Tiger. And as for those smiling porpoises, that’s the name of...

Nucleic Acid Tests Now Possible at Nanjing’s Lukou Airport

Within 48 hours. Those are there words which have this Chinese New Year become a curse to anyone wishing to return home to their family or go on a plain-old holiday. Just as well Nanjing’s airport has rolled out...

How International Schools in Nanjing Welcome Year of the Tiger

With China’s season of goodwill upon us, today is also the day when the little ones take centre stage. Fitting therefore, for us to close the year with a look at what Nanjing’s international schools have been doing to...

The Last Supper; Retiree Takes 32281 Steps to Deliver Final Meal

You know when you feel a little proud of yourself for having managed more than the recommended 10,000 steps a day for, like, a week? Well, someone’s got you beat. He’s taken over 30,000 steps a day for no...

Carbon Emissions Dump as Nanjing South Cuts Power Usage in Half

Spring Festival travellers departing from Nanjing South Railway Station are among the first to be able to say their journey home was a considerably less carbon-intense experience, as the Station has recently upped its green credentials. The eco-friendly upgrade to...

Murder of Nanjing Student; Nation’s Most Followed Trial Begins

Some are calling it the trial of the century. And now, after court delays, a demand for execution and a call by the victims’s father for a trial on live TV, the case of a Nanjing student’s murder in Yunnan Province...

Pretend to be Sick to Get Free Sweeties on Nanjing Metro

Nanjing’s Zhujiang Lu Metro Station is now being called the sweetest station on the network. And that’s because of a policy to hand out candies to passengers who are feeling unwell, if the little treats may relieve their discomfort. The...

Crushed to Death by Shanghai Metro Door but Nanjingers Safe

The death of a passenger on the Shanghai Metro recently has got Nanjing’s commuters talking, and some worrying. But rest assured, the Nanjing Metro remains one of the safest in the world, partly due to the technology employed on...

About Me

Editor-in-Chief of The Nanjinger, Frank Hossack, is a multi-award winning Radio/TV host who has worked in China for the past 30 years. Frank has also written for Time magazine and The Times, appeared on the BBC and LBC, and been cited by CNN, China Daily and the New York Times, among many others.
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