
Frank Hossack

USA vs Jiangsu Life Expectancy; Who Lives Longest & Where?

The average life expectancy in Nanjing has exceeded 80 years for the first time. But Nanjingers can’t expect to live longer than anyone else in Jiangsu Province. Those are the main findings from data in the 2020 census recently...

Gold Medal Granny! Eileen Gu’s Grandmother is a Nanjinger!

Nanjingers in particular are rejoicing in the victory of (Eileen) Gu Ailing at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. And that’s because of the revelation now sweeping the Southern Capital; Gu’s grandmother is none other than a true, 100 percent,...

Mother of 8 in Jiangsu Restrained in Hut by Chain Around Neck 

China’s internet has of late been alive with discussion over the case of a woman in northern Jiangsu who has mothered eight children but was made to live in a hut beside her family’s house, sometimes chained up by...

Olympic Gold Puts Ice Skating Popularity in Nanjing on New High

China has made abundantly clear its wishes that 300 million of its citizens participate in winter sports, thanks in large part to its hosting of the at-present ongoing Olympics. And yesterday, it felt like every last one of them...

“Smart” COVID Prevention Devices Speed Travellers Back from CNY

When you get off a train these days, you can expect a wait, while people faff around looking for their (expired) health code. But on this, the last day of the Chinese New Year holiday, considerable efforts have been...

Wild Boar Amok in Nanjing Chased by Security “with a Stick”

The wild boar in China is protected in China under law. Judging from its behaviour in Nanjing over the last year, this fact has not been lost on the beast. For creating havoc in our city’s residential communities appears...

What Keeps the Nanjing Metro Going throughout Chinese New Year?

While we’re sleeping, Nanjing’s metro system may not be running trains, but that doesn’t mean it’s idle. For each night, an army of workers take to the tracks. They've spent the nights of Chinese New Year like any other;...

Nanjing Firework Lovers Want Stay Legal; Create 12 KM Tailback

Heard any fireworks being illegally set off near where you live the past few days? Probably not so many, as Nanjing’s firework lovers are now a law-abiding bunch. Problem is, this year they all went to the same place...

About Me

Editor-in-Chief of The Nanjinger, Frank Hossack, is a multi-award winning Radio/TV host who has worked in China for the past 30 years. Frank has also written for Time magazine and The Times, appeared on the BBC and LBC, and been cited by CNN, China Daily and the New York Times, among many others.
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