
Carlo D'Andrea

How to Avoid a ¥8 Billion Fine for Tax Evasion

Based on an investigation conducted by the Tax Bureau, during the shooting of the movie, “Big Bombing”, China’s leading actress, Fang Bingbing, evaded the payment of ¥6,180,000 in individual income tax, as well as ¥1,120,000 in business tax, by...

Cookies and Personal Data Protection

The tracking function of cookies has led to widespread concerns about violations of personal privacy and disclosure of personal information. In this way, it is necessary for government to pay more attention to the legal regulation of cookies. General Data...

The Bridge between China and Foreign Investments

The Foreign Investment Enterprise Law of the People’s Republic of China aims to expand foreign economic cooperation in China, in order to not only promote the development of China’s national economy, but also to protect the lawful rights and...

From Creation to Destruction to Regeneration

In the late 50s, the first discovery of the implications for rare earth elements was in the United States, in particular, California. Those elements, despite their name, are not actually so rare, they can be found in nature as...

How Empathy in China Changed through Time

Within 40 years, contemporary China has faced upheavals of epochal proportion, a transformation that took 400 years for the Western world. Therein, radical changes in politics, philosophy and family relations. Thanks to the imperial power, the word People (rénmín; 人民)...

Vintage Throwback; From Love Letters to WeChats

Everyone who is lucky enough to have known their grandparents has certainly asked them how communication worked in the past. The many tales of love letters and how long and exciting it was to wait for your beloved one’s reply....

Digital Life’s Necessary Changing State

he increased convenience of new technologies can be taken advantage of, or perhaps worse, utilised for nefarious purposes. Therefore proper policy and regulation is required. While such may not seem a vital tool for our convenience, we shall see...

A Legal Dose of Desire

Everyone has desires, but we often think that desire should be limited and that the law is the last line we can draw in terms of applying it. But what we do not know, and what can surprise us,...

About Me

Legal columnist Carlo D’Andrea came to China in 2005 and now heads up a boutique law firm which is a point of reference as a well-established entity in the international legal profession serving Chinese and foreign companies wishing to globalise themselves. He has been admitted to the Italian Bar Association and is Chairman of the EUCCC Shanghai Board. 法律专栏作家Carlo D'Andrea于2005年来到中国,如今正领导着一家精品律师事务所,作为国际律师界的标杆和翘楚,向中国和外国公司提供服务以助其实现全球化。他不仅是意大利的执业律师,同时还是中国欧盟商会上海分会的主席。

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