
Carlo D'Andrea

Data Protection in China; A 21st Century Zeitgeist

According to Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft, the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation by almost a decade. The digital era has come to be.  Globally, there has been a push toward more robust rules to protect consumer data and privacy, as...

Missionary’s Influence on Evolution of Chinese Legal System

Roman law has long been strongly admired by legal professionals and scholars in China. From the Ming dynasty, when Italian missionaries visited China, to the year 2021, when the first Civil Code of PRC came into effect, it has...

Can China Achieve Her Open-Source Ambitions?

Open source refers to a computer program in which the source code is available to the general public for use or modification.  From a legal point of view, the peculiarity of open-source software is that the original developer(s) (who would...

Should You Trust a Lawyer Born in the Year of the Ox?

The Chinese Zodiacal sign, Ox, occupies the second position in the Chinese Zodiac. An Ox’s personality comprises a diligent character that is dependable, strong and determined. Having great patience and a desire to make progress, Oxen can achieve their...

What of Marriage Honesty in China’s New Civil Code?

Marriage is the mainstay of the modern contemporary family. In the relationship between husband and wife, that which we usually call “honesty” is actually the principle of good faith found within the Chinese Civil Code.  We know that in the...

China’s Rivers Offered Increased Legal Protection

The basin of the Yellow River (Huang He), the “mother river of China”, was the birthplace of ancient Chinese civilisation and the centre of Chinese politics, economy and culture for over 3,000 years.  Unfortunately, the river is also known as...

The Perks of Having Two Birthdays

Most of us grew up knowing our own single birth date. After all, you can only be born once and that’s the only date of birth you can have, or is it? Unlike the western system, which follows the solar...

Compliance in the Wake of the New Waste Classification Policy

With Nanjing to officially implement mandatory classification of domestic rubbish beginning on 1 November, it is worth looking back to the experience gleaned by Shanghai in its attempts to do the same in 2019, when the reality of the...

About Me

Legal columnist Carlo D’Andrea came to China in 2005 and now heads up a boutique law firm which is a point of reference as a well-established entity in the international legal profession serving Chinese and foreign companies wishing to globalise themselves. He has been admitted to the Italian Bar Association and is Chairman of the EUCCC Shanghai Board. 法律专栏作家Carlo D'Andrea于2005年来到中国,如今正领导着一家精品律师事务所,作为国际律师界的标杆和翘楚,向中国和外国公司提供服务以助其实现全球化。他不仅是意大利的执业律师,同时还是中国欧盟商会上海分会的主席。

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