
Carlo D'Andrea

Trademarks: The setting of standards

On 1st January, 2012, the 10th edition of the International Classification of Goods and Services, better known as the Nice Classification, entered into force. Adopted by almost 80 countries since its inception in 1957, the Nice Classification is designed...

CIETAC New Arbitration Rules 2012

In the wake of the publication of revised Arbitration Rules by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Court of Arbitration, the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) has issued its own revised Arbitration Rules, effective as of...

Foreign Investment Catelogue

On 24th December 2011, China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and Ministry of Commerce (MOC) jointly issued a new, revised version of its Foreign Investment Industries Guidance Catalogue (the “Catalogue”), effective from 30th January 2012, that replaces the...

Pending Trade Mark Law Amendments

China’s State Council has recently issued for public comment a Circular with the published revisions to the country’s Trade Mark law. This will be the third change to date for China’s Trade Mark law. Among the salient points of...

About Me

Legal columnist Carlo D’Andrea came to China in 2005 and now heads up a boutique law firm which is a point of reference as a well-established entity in the international legal profession serving Chinese and foreign companies wishing to globalise themselves. He has been admitted to the Italian Bar Association and is Chairman of the EUCCC Shanghai Board. 法律专栏作家Carlo D'Andrea于2005年来到中国,如今正领导着一家精品律师事务所,作为国际律师界的标杆和翘楚,向中国和外国公司提供服务以助其实现全球化。他不仅是意大利的执业律师,同时还是中国欧盟商会上海分会的主席。

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