
Carlo D'Andrea

Justice Being Served

The traditional Chinese judicial system is a highly centralized, organizational model of the government and judicial system. At the end of the 19th century, the Chinese traditional law system gradually degraded due to contact and collision with Western...

The End of a Marriage that Never Began

With the increased divorce and break-up rate, sadly love stories end every day around us. When couples live together, they may have collective property, including real estate or jewelry. After the break-up, disputes about the division of this...

Environmental Protection Challenge

One of the most challenging problems related to economic and industrial development in China is the pollution. China has recently become the biggest offending country. In 1989 the lawmaker introduced a unique fine for enterprises responsible of pollutant...

Food Safety

As a result of numerous food-related scandals, a new bill will come into force on 1st June, 2014, highlighting the liability of food companies and local governments, and strengthen the role of the public in ensuring food safety....

March Against Harassment

According to a recent survey, sexual harassment is on the rise in China, predominantly on public busses, subways or in entertainment venues. Although this is difficult to say with accuracy, there are theories explaining why there is, at...

Amendment of the PRC Advertisement Law

Recently the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council of the PRC has been soliciting public opinion for the amendment of the Advertisement Law. The soliciting period lasted until end of March 2014. As part of the process,...

Interim Regulations On Labour Dispatch

Labour dispatch; outsourcing workers from third-party agencies rather than directly employing them, faced many problems after the Labour Contract Law of 2008. Hence, “Interim Regulations on Labour Dispatch”, introduced on 1st March 2014. The new regulation significantly impacts...

Ammendments to PRC Company Law

On 28th December 2013, the Amendment to the PRC Company Law (the “Amendments”) was released, which will come into effect on 1st March 2014. It will streamline the corporate registration system to ease market access and encourage social...

About Me

Legal columnist Carlo D’Andrea came to China in 2005 and now heads up a boutique law firm which is a point of reference as a well-established entity in the international legal profession serving Chinese and foreign companies wishing to globalise themselves. He has been admitted to the Italian Bar Association and is Chairman of the EUCCC Shanghai Board. 法律专栏作家Carlo D'Andrea于2005年来到中国,如今正领导着一家精品律师事务所,作为国际律师界的标杆和翘楚,向中国和外国公司提供服务以助其实现全球化。他不仅是意大利的执业律师,同时还是中国欧盟商会上海分会的主席。

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