
Carlo D'Andrea

From Court to Client; the Life of Lawyers on the Move

As soon as a person wakes up, there are so many things to be dealt with on an everyday basis. This could be said true for lawyers practicing litigation or for transactional lawyers. In both cases, it is essential...

Take Not Lightly the Standard Operating Procedures

Since time immemorial, humanity has organised itself in to teams and followed unspoken and written collective rules to obtain the maximum results from work. The emergence of capitalist relations in society and the consolidation of means of production became...

Alternative Dispute Resolution; Mediation in Community Governance

Community is the grassroots organisation of civil society and the embodiment and requirement of modern social governance. With the progress of social modernisation, Chinese society has entered a phase of social diversification and diversified individual development.  The development of social...

What Progress is China Making Toward a Pet Friendly Society?

Increasingly recognising the significance of pets and their positive impact on human well-being, societies are reevaluating their approach to pet ownership. This shift not only acknowledges the profound influence of our dear friends, but also emphasises the importance of...

Mobile Payments in China; Convenience, Regulations & Legal Implications

Digital payments have revolutionised the way we handle transactions and China has emerged as a global leader in mobile-payment adoption, with the rapid proliferation of smartphone usage and the technological prowess of Chinese companies, mobile payments have become an...

Perceptions of Justice; the Law vs. Philosophy

The term Justice has been used since ancient times and has entered the vocabulary of various nations. The essence and content of justice, its relationship with law as a normative regulator of social relations has often been the subject...

Influence of Ancient Greek God, Hermes, on Legal Profession

Hermeneutics is the area of study that explains written texts, rooted from Hermes in ancient Greek mythology. Hermes, the god of commerce, god of travellers and messenger of the gods, bears the heavy responsibility of transmitting the oracle to...

Why are Colours Important for an International Lawyer?

The attire of an international lawyer is crucial when it comes to business etiquette, particularly in China where business practices and cultural norms hold significant importance. In this regard, the colours that are worn by a lawyer play a...

About Me

Legal columnist Carlo D’Andrea came to China in 2005 and now heads up a boutique law firm which is a point of reference as a well-established entity in the international legal profession serving Chinese and foreign companies wishing to globalise themselves. He has been admitted to the Italian Bar Association and is Chairman of the EUCCC Shanghai Board. 法律专栏作家Carlo D'Andrea于2005年来到中国,如今正领导着一家精品律师事务所,作为国际律师界的标杆和翘楚,向中国和外国公司提供服务以助其实现全球化。他不仅是意大利的执业律师,同时还是中国欧盟商会上海分会的主席。

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