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Below you will find listed just some of our valuable contributors, the people who help make Nanjing Expat what it is, through their writing and other efforts for both this website and The Nanjinger printed magazine. Our team is constantly growing and we welcome new bllod at any time. If you fee you have a meaningful contribution to make please contact us via the contact page.

Our Editor and Music Critic, Frank Hossack, has been a radio host and producer for the past 28 years, in the process winning four New York Festivals awards for his work, in the categories Best Top 40 Format, Best Editing, Best Director and Best Culture & The Arts. 贺福是我们杂志的编辑和音乐评论员,在过去的28年里一直从事电台主持和电台制片的工作。工作期间他曾获得过四次纽约传媒艺术节大奖,分别是世界前40强节目,最佳编辑,最佳导演以及最佳文化艺术大奖。

Contributing editor Ken Ellingwood is a former foreign and national correspondent for the Los Angeles Times and author of Hard Line: Life and Death on the U.S.-Mexico Border. He teaches writing at Nanjing University. 特约编辑Ken Ellingwood之前是《洛杉矶时报》的国内外通讯记者,同时也是“死亡地带”的作者:描述美国与墨西哥边境的生存与死亡。他目前在南京大学教写作。

Ronald Paredes is the personification of his motto “mediocrity is a disease we fight every day”. The multi talented designer’s work appears in the design industry’s annual definitive overview of the state of art in web design, “Web Design Index by Content – Volume 5” 泉源本人即是他的座右铭“平庸是一种疾病,我们每天都要与之抗争”的现实化身。 作为一位优秀的设计师,他才能丰富创意无限。其网页设计作品还被收入在了代表网页设计艺术成就的权威性行业年鉴内。《网页设计艺术指南—第五册》

Rachel Skeels is qualified in the field of interior textile design and previously worked as childrenswear designer for major UK retailers such as Marks & Spencers, C&A and Mothercare. 梁蕊蕊是室内纺织品设计领域设计师。曾担任英国主要的零售商品牌如M&S玛莎百货,C&A和Mothercare的童装品牌设计师。

Rick Staff is from the UK and has 20 years cumulative experience as a wine trader, taster, and writer and was editor of ‘Superplonk’, the UK’s popular wine guide, prior to moving to Nanjing in 2008. Rick Staff来自英国,有着二十年丰富经验的葡萄酒商人、品酒师、作家,并且是《Superplonk》的撰写者,英国很受欢迎的葡萄酒鉴赏家,于2008年移居南京。

Jochen Schultz has more than 10 years´proven management experiences at international training and universities. He has a deep knowledge in professional trainings, personnel and organizational Development and developing relationships with clients from all over the world. He is now the Managing Director in China for a German Training & Consultancy Company. Jochen Schultz在国际培训和大学教育方面有着10年以上的管理经验。同时在 专业培训、个人与公司发展以及如何与世界各地的客户建立良好关系方面具备相当深厚的专业知识。现今,供职于一家德国培训咨询公司,任中国区总经理一职。

Simon Northcott has 25 years manufacturing experience; ranging from MNCs to his own business, from Pipelines, Valves and Tobacco to Bottling, with the last 12 years as a world class manufacturing consultant in Asia. This was preceded by a Cranfield MBA and 10 years in the oil industry. He is now resident in Nanjing. 从管道、阀门、烟草到灌装行业,从跨国公司到他自己的生意,Simon Northcott在制造业有着25年的丰富经验,近12年来,他在亚洲地区可谓是业界一流水平的制造顾问。与此同时,他还是克兰菲尔德的工商管理硕士,并在石油行业10年之久。现在他居住在南京。


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