
Police Take Baby Steps to Educate the Public on Garbage Classification


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Nanjing police have carried out inspections and publicity work as to garbage classification for shops in the city’s downtown Gulou district.

Urban management descended upon the Ninghai Lu / Hankou Xi Lu intersection on the morning of 5 September 2018, in order to check shops door to door, say the Yangtze Evening News.

They found that, although shops are aware of garbage classification systems, the premises’ owners have yet to act on them, appearing not to know how to classify garbage according to standard.

Moving from shop to restaurant to the wet market, police checked every rubbish bin and garbage area, inspecting how they are being used and educating locals on how exactly to sort their trash.

City dwellers are now slowly getting used to a “recyclables, kitchen waste, hazardous and other waste” garbage classification system. With time and education, a more beautiful Nanjing is in the making.

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