
Full-time Wives Take on a New Definition in Jiangsu Province


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Preparing food, cleaning house and looking after children have been the norm for Chinese women dating all the way back to Imperial China. The name given to women in this role are full-time wives. The differences between current day full-time wives and former ones are a world of education and the opportunities now available to them.

It was only toward the end of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) that new girls’ schools were established by imperial reforms in China. This development caused a profound social change. Fast-forward to present day, most of the women that fall into the full-time wives category hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. 

There are currently more than 1,000 full-time wives in the Zhongcheng community in Gaochun District of Nanjing, according to Zheng Youming, writing for the Yangtze Evening Post.

These full-time wives, also known as “Moisturizing Mothers,” are using their education and skills to make an impact in their community. Whether it is through offering therapeutic events such as painting, piano class, or flower arrangements, the community has a lot to be offered.

36-year-old Huang Hua, full-time wife and recent full-time Nanjing Normal University School of Law student, has created a private school titled “Tide Mom.”  This school offers free vocational skills to those within the community. Within two years, Hua has trained more than 200 local citizens and helped them realise their full potential. 

“More than 1000 Tide Moms have teamed up to do charity work and some of this work is even being done outside of this [particular] community,” said China Daily. 

With gender-equality becoming more of the norm and education being used to enhance Chinese women’s status, expectations for the fairer sex in China are at an all-time high. The image of a Chinese woman dressed in high heels and a business suit on the metro with smartphone in her hand is the reality of today. Our very own Jiangsu just so happens to be thriving with full-time wives who run their homes and make a big impact in their communities.

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