
Drunken Juliette Batters Romeo in Nanjing’s Hexi


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A young intoxicated lady has spent a night at the pleasure of the Nanjing authorities after drunkenly laying into an imported car on display at a mall in the Hexi area of Nanjing.

It was after a year-end company dinner on 10 February when the inebriated lady in question came across an Alfa Romeo Giulia exhibition model on display in a Hexi shopping mall.

Yao Wangchen, a spokesperson for the Shazhou local police station of Jianye District, said that the girl preceded to kick the front of the red sports car seven or eight times, causing considerable damage to its paintwork. She then removed her boot and flung it at the driver’s door window.

A fellow reveller, a male, attempted to restrain the lady but failed. She also hit out at mall security officers when they intervened, attempting to kick one in the stomach. She was wrestled to the ground, after which police took her to the local station where she spent the night, remembering nothing of the incident the following morning.

CCTV footage of the incident was broadcast by Jiangsu TV, and was subsequently posted on video sharing site Youku.

Damages to the car were put at ¥150,000, given that the vehicle would now have to be sold as second hand; it being illegal to sell a damaged car as new. The lady faces charges of damaging public and private property.

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