
A Snowy Bus!


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A big thank you to our local government for a great job clearing snow and ice quickly after the big dump.

This Friday, the Nanjing government is holding a meeting with some local expats, including people from The Nanjinger etc. Expect some useful articles to appear over the weekend, on and in WeChat.

Grab a bus! If you have been abandoned during this Great Expat Exodus and the Spring Festival “migration”, take the opportunity to do some random exploring. Simply jump on a bus (it’s only 2rmb – much less with a travel card) and let it take you wherever it goes. If you see something interesting, get off and look around. Then get back on the next bus. When you get to the end of the route, wander around a bit, get on the same bus number going in the opposite direction, and return to your starting point. You never know what you will find in our wonderful city, so charge out on a random adventure.

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