
Natural Gas Supplies Under Threat as Nanjing Makes the Switch


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As the deep of winter approaches, many people are concerned with temperatures dropping below zero and what that means for the use of gas in their neighbourhood. Many worry about whether civil gas supplies can be guaranteed throughout the winter as China shifts from coal to gas.

Nanjing gas companies, in addition to Hong Kong and China firms, say that although the winter brings a tense situation, Nanjing’s gas supply will be protected. According to the Yangtze Evening News, this is the year in which Nanjing officially switches from coal to gas.

Naturally, as domestic gas consumption has increased significantly, putting great pressure on suppliers to the city, people worry that supply cannot keep up with demand. Not only Nanjing, but many cities across China, that are all switching to gas, have been issuing gas limitation notices.

Experts believe that there is a shortage of natural gas in Central Asia and that this is what is causing tension regarding supply. “The consumption of natural gas in Nanjing in winter this year has increased significantly compared with the same period last year. The main reason for the increase is the weather and the use of civil heating”, a representative of China Gas said. In Nanjing, the number of homes that require gas heating has risen from 60,000 to 100,000 since last year.

Natural gas is a clean, environmentally friendly and high quality energy, and also a valuable national resource. So the government is advising people to, “Pay attention to saving [energy] when they use gas in winter”.

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