
Sexy and they Know It; Keeping Beautiful China Style


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Guessing at people’s ages is a sensitive and tricky subject that I tend to steer clear from as much as humanly possible. However, finding out the real age of some of my Chinese friends can be truly mind blowing.

I will never forget the day when I found out that my Chinese professor’s teaching assistant was not an 18 year old college student, but a 31 year old English professor from Shanghai.

Even after giving birth to her beautiful and incredibly large baby girl (she attributes it all to ingesting American milk), she still managed to look a mere 18. Not that I’m jealous or anything like that, but it did have me pondering over how Chinese women maintain that youthful look for so long?

Ideals: It’s What They Look For

According to Marie Claire Magazine, as well as a huge number of my Chinese female acquaintances, that the ideal image of beauty includes pale skin is a huge factor. However, this is where it gets a bit confusing. I have heard some people say that a pronounced nose is a thing of beauty, while a small nose is really the standard. A soft jaw line is also something that Chinese women seem to hold in high regard. In fact, small features in general tend to be the ideal; at a wedding once, the bride remarked three times about how small my facial features were and how envious she was.

Chinese women tend to also keep their hair longer than Western counterparts. Unfortunately, curly hair seems to be more desirable these days than the genetically provided strong and straight locks, making that old saying about the grass being greener on the other side as true a statement as ever.

While it is not so surprising that thin is in; what is surprising however, is how women maintain their skinny beauty. Heavy work outs and gym culture have yet to make a deep impact on Chinese culture, thus women tend to focus more on what goes on inside than out by focusing more on restricting food intake or ingesting certain foods and teas that are meant to help one lose weight.

Some Yummy and Not So Yummy Treatments

Chinese traditional medicine is known to use natural methods to primarily prevent disease and cure pre-existing conditions. However, acupuncture, as a beauty treatment, is not only prevalent in China but has also been catching on abroad for some years now. Acupuncture is said to increase blood flow to the face (which enhances healthy colouring) and increase elastin and collagen to the face by stimulating certain facial points, thereby creating a more youthful look.

Herbal remedies are used to enhance complexion and keep skin healthy. Fruits such as dried persimmon (taken once or twice daily) can keep skin glowing, while other concoctions can be found at, a valuable English language resource for information, facts, and remedies from the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

For clear skin, try some detoxifying drinks such as oolong tea, which can also help with weight loss. According to Chinese doctors, if the liver is functioning properly, your blood will be kept at its cleanest and your skin at its finest. So avoid tempting treats such as alcohol or junk food that might compromise your liver.

Other skin treatments known to keep skin glowing and youthful are pearl powder, fresh ground mint paste (also applied to the skin), and rice water made with dry organic rice soaked in clean water which can remove oil and impurities from the skin.

Get That Sunshine Away From Me

Watching the girls walk around with sun parasols, or seeing both men and women wearing their coats backwards to avoid the sun can seem a bit odd or extreme. However, avoiding a tan is one of the best ways to maintain youthful, bright looking skin.

For women, wearing make up with a bit of sunscreen mixed in is an innovative and more practical way of protecting one’s complexion. However, if you are willing to go more extreme, try the “face-kini”; similar to a ski mask but made from swimwear fabric. Different styles and colors are available, but the concept remains the same; keep the sun away and your fair complexion will stay.

Will Beauty Remain True?

While traditional methods may provide youth from the inside out, modern trends and western influences are causing many to turn away from their traditional roots and become lazier in their physical routines and diet. Genetics may be able to determine China’s youthful trend, however environment and routine are determinants of how well those genes will be expressed.

With the growth and popularity of fast food, cars, and electronic personal devices, natural beauty is becoming harder and harder to maintain. Only time will tell if the Chinese will retain their beauty for so long or if modernization will take its toll on their hitherto graceful, youthful appearance.

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