
Underground Heroes Below; Service with a Smile Above


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Nanjing’s CBD, Xinjiekou, is the busiest metro station in the city with roughly 400,000 people passing through it per day, and with that comes a greater risk of petty crime.

Yet since the introduction of the Nanjing Metro Police Women’s Patrol Squad, misdemeanours have reportedly fallen by 20 percent.

Police presence in general throughout the underground system is growing in order to combat and control crime. However, various reports of female squad members helping to “clean” young children who have urinated on themselves, or assisted incontinent elderly people, have had Nanjingers praising the new and soft female touch of the police department.

While the metro police are busy helping people in need underground, other female police officers in the city are proving they have what it takes to walk the catwalk.

Officers at the Certification Service Centre, Xuanwu Branch, underwent etiquette training on 3 September. Professional etiquette teachers were employed in order to help our “plain Janes” provide a better “image as well as service for the people”.

So while all of these efforts by the Nanjing Police Department to better use its female members has produced a drop in criminal activity, they are also significant steps forward for the cause of women in the workforce.

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