
Having Your Cake & Eating it; British School Celebrates 10 Years


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At this time of year, international schools all over the world are beginning the new academic year. For most, it is back to grind, and straight into another year of classes that are even more taxing than the last. Not so at The British School of Nanjing, who used their 10th birthday as an excuse for a first day back free of study and filled with fun.

In what was certainly a most pleasant introduction to the school’s way of life for those new to Nanjing walking in the doors for the first time, parents and children alike were able to enjoy activities such as a treasure hunt that took in the school’s magnificent green grounds, or a chance to try out on the football pitch. Inside, there were cupcakes for all and a large book sale, together with assistance in terms of orientation, provided by the Parent Event Committee and Community Clubhouse.

Over in the theatre, a packed-to-the-rooftops performance, with important guests in attendance from the Nanjing and Jiangning governments, and even from as far away as the British Consulate in Shanghai, traced some of the school’s beginnings and included the obligatory cake cutting, plus an interpretive student dance to the soundtrack of “Mo Li Hua” and a one-song gig from the student-led band Last Minute, accompanied by two teachers from the music department.

Matthew Shepherd, headmaster for The British School of Nanjing, spoke with The Nanjinger on the differences between the school of then and now.

“It’s very hard to compare the city of ten years ago with the city of now. Both have their strengths. It was a wonderful place ten years ago; it is a fantastic place today; developed and convenient.

“The schools are the same. When I look at the school of 10 years ago, there are so many things that are so very different. We have changed our uniform; changed our approach. So many changes… [But] there is still a core that runs through, still that kind of a closeness, still that community.”

The world of international schools is a very competitive one, with many teachers job hopping from one country to another. Some are on the lookout for a promotion, some simply for more cash, some to see more of the world. Therefore, it comes as a more than pleasant surprise to discover that there is a considerable number of staff who have been at BSN for the full decade.

Shepherd certainly lost no opportunity is showing the audience just what 10 years can do to a person, presenting many delightful photographs from the school’s first days at its rented campus beside Baijia Lake, not far from the present custom-built one at Cuipingshan.

On those who have been with the school since its beginning, he commented, “We have good retention; there is a large body of staff and students who have been here for 10 years. That sense of continuity is really nice. To see students go from not being able to speak English to 10 or 11 A* in GCSE or A Level is just phenomenal”.

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