
Lifecycle Odds and Ends


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It pays to check, but don’t get upset. Recently a foreigner paid his bar bill with his credit card, or tried to. It was rejected. A second attempt was likewise refused. A colleague stepped up and paid with a local card. However, later next day the first guy received a text message indicating that the charge had gone through. The amount was refunded to him, but the business owner was unable to find out how it could have gone wrong in the first place. Modern technology is amazing, but it is not perfect. Always check.

Work on Xianlin Lake seems to have paused. To muddy maybe? It’s looking good with larger water area. But what is that jumbled pile of lumber for?

At last we are getting some normal summer weather. Nothing to compare with the past but at least thunderstorms with rain. The humidity is still well below the figure of a few years ago.

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