
Re-Cycle; Beware! Thievery is Rife Throughout Summer Nights


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Video surveillance of a Xuanwu lake shop revealed yesterday that it had been burgled the night before.

The video shows a man enter the shop through a window; he proceeds to rifle through everything, taking anything he can and exiting through the same window.

Clutching a large cable he had stolen from the shop, upon noticing that the Xuanwu guards were circulating the gates, the tactless perpetrator ditched the cable and ran. With video evidence and the cable, police were able to quickly lock the man away.

4 July, a correspondent for The Nanjinger’s bicycle was stolen in the dead of the night outside her window in Gulou district. Living across from Nanjing Normal University, night time thieves had already attempted to take the bicycle once, before returning a month later and nicking it for good.

The “second-hand” bike in question had been purchased at a very low price, from an unsavoury street vendor, on Tangzi Jie, the street famed for buying and selling stolen bicycles. It seems the bike has now been recycled a full 360.

3 July, plain-clothed police board Nanjing’s Metro at Xinjiekou in the search for a repeat offender who has been stealing female passengers’ phones.

Passengers on a very crowded peak-time Metro were shocked, when a seemingly normal, middle aged man was suddenly arrested, and told to hand back the phone he had stolen.

45-year-old thief Wang, from Anhui Yingshang County, was in 2014 sentenced to imprisonment for other offences committed in and around Nanjing, but released in 2016. The Nanjing Metro police has recently been alerted and concerned about certain persons of interest potentially disrupting order on the metro. As a result, on the evening of 3 July plain-clothed police had been doing a routine patrol when they saw Wang’s “familiar old face” stalking about the station.

They subsequently watched Wang eying a woman’s backpack, waiting until he could take advantage of a crowded cabin before acting. Police in turn waited until they saw him steal the phone at which point they arrested him and ordered Wang to hand the phone back to the female passenger. Wang is currently in detention.

Nanjing Metro police has advised it is best to wear one’s backpack on one’s chest, to help prevent theft. In addition, police would like to remind passengers to maintain vigilant caution when using Metro machines and elevators because of an increase in pickpocketing.

It is well known among the criminal fraternity that the summer months see large numbers of people away from their homes, and as a result, some of their belongings, especially students. So while similar cases of petty crime continue to plague us this time of year, we hope you can remain vigilant, keep two eyes on your window and avoid losing your bike, phone or cables.

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