
Your Lifecycle Week; an Amazing Story


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How do they do it so fast? We are used to the amazing speed of Chinese construction, but it was really dramatic to look down on Xianlin Lake the other night. A new structure, a kind of footbridge, had appeared, completely spanning the wide section of the lake. However, not only was it erected “overnight”, but next morning it had disappeared. Hmmmm? It was actually all a function of the powerful modern lights that allow work to continue 24 hours a day. One of these huge lights spread out across the lake, but was interrupted by a giant building crane. The big shadow created the effect of a bridge over the water that was realistic. Not so miraculous, but amazing nonetheless.

Rotary in Nanjing has now reached the status of a Provisional Club, being welcomed at a special meeting in Shanghai. Congratulations to all involved.

The Nanjinger for June is now available on line. If you prefer a hard copy, it will appear at your favourite pickup point shortly.

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