
Nanjing Foreigner Uses Legal System to Beat Employment Agency


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As foreigners we often hear too many horror stories of bad employers offering empty promises and then a boot to the curb when small companies decide they no longer wish to pay us.

Not too often, however, do we hear stories of foreigners standing up for themselves and using the system to get back what was rightfully theirs.

Such is the recent story of Mr. Azdoud who was brought to Nanjing to teach not English, but football. His transfer was handled by an employment agency and he was promised a full year contract, which included basic flight allowances and salary.

After only three months of work, Mr. Azdoud was sent packing and told his contract with the football club was suddenly null and void. Left to fend for himself with no money, no way of getting home and a very bleak future of looking for other work as a football teacher in Nanjing, he decided he needed to take action.

Mr. Azdoud was luckier than most; he had a fan, a football fan who had heard about his story and stepped up to help. Mr. Cao offered his help by familiarising Mr. Azdoud with China’s free and robust legal system designed to protect employees with such problems.

Mr. Cao made a call to Jiangsu Television’s local City Channel that broadcasts a consumers’ rights programme and told them of Mr. Azdoud’s case. The station then began, with the help of Mr. Cao, to investigate the case by voicing complaints at the company who hired him, the labour bureau and the local police station. Eventually, Mr. Azdoud was awarded his three months salary, an additional one month and his promised flight money.

As foreigners, we are pretty much left in the dark about what is available to us here in China regarding legal help; what’s free or not, or if anything is even available at all. Many foreigners have simply packed up, found money for a flight and left. This story helps us to see now that there are systems out there that are already in place, designed to protect the rights of all employees, whether they be foreign or Chinese.

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