
Wuxi issues green license plates for new energy vehicles


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Mrs. Xu’s Tesla Model X has a small claim to fame as the first car in the Jiangsu city of Wuxi to be fitted with a new license plate for new energy vehicles. The pilot scheme is part of a wider program across several Chinese cities including Shanghai, Nanjing, Jinan, and Shenzhen that aims to reduce energy consumption and promote environmental consciousness.

Mrs. Xu was certainly excited about owning the first car with the new plate.

Mrs. Xu, the first person in Wuxi to receive one of the new license plates, poses for a photo beside her car on Dec 1.

“This is a new car that my company just bought. It is really lucky for me to come across the first license plate.”

The new plates are colored green, contain an extra digit, and are 40mm wider than conventional blue plates. Vehicles included in the new energy vehicle category include battery electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, and fuel cell vehicles.

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