
Lifecycle This Week – Curious, and Cold


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To quote a famous line, “Curiouser and curiouser”. In Guangzhou Lu, the night after the desertion, all the usual suspects returned. Life was back to normal. What did they know last Wednesday, and how did they know it?

The single digit night temperatures mentioned last week leads to that interesting measure of whether our winter is cold, the ice sheets on ponds, pools, and lakes. Ten years ago, such small bodies of water developed a covering of ice 1cm to 2cm thick every year. Will it be back this year? Watch the water near you.

It’s out! This month’s Nanjinger is all about the surging trade in second hand products, and how it reflects the changing attitudes in China. From cars to silk, local people are no longer averse to purchasing used products. Read all about it, by picking up a hard copy of the latest edition from a pickup point near you.

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