
The Lifecycle Week – Wetting Roads, and Stealing


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It turns out that the reason for spraying a thin layer of water onto the roads is to stop the bitumen from cracking. Thanks, Nick, for the answer. On the downside, the water used in Nanjing is highly polluted, so it is adding to ground pollution. The big puzzle remains. Last Thursday evening, after rain had been around all day, and in the midst of another heavy shower, the water truck was still trundling around, spraying, and playing its Disney ditty. Now how is that helping anything?

Stealing money or mobile phones is understandable if not commendable. But why would anyone steal an umbrella (not exactly an expensive item) on a fine day on the Metro? It’s not as if you see people surreptitiously approaching you and opening a coat to say “Hey, Mister. Want to buy an umbrella? Cheap! Not hot!”

Once again, we see growing local interest in Western festivals. Enjoy your Halloween in Nanjing!

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