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Nanjing Expat was founded in 2009 by Richard Anderton (Australia), Joshua Maddox (USA) and Ronald Paredes (Venezuela), as a not for profit community resource that can help local charities and remain positive and informative.

While the three of them have now moved on to other things, the current operator continues to be grateful to all three for taking the initiative to found the website, and welcomes their valuable input and comment as the site goes forward.

In their own words, on the formation of Nanjing Expat:

Richard Anderton, Project Leader”: “I have to say originally when I first came to Nanjing I was very skeptical about living here as the benefits of the city weren’t apparent to me. However after I came and spent some time walking the streets and enjoying what Nanjing had to offer, my mind was definitely changed. I was also quite surprised that Nanjing was such a great place to live as it really was hard to find information about the place. It was really this experience that gave me the idea of a website that could help fill this gap and offer visitors and people living here more up to date and accessible information as well as help bring the community together and provide free services like classifieds.”

Joshua Maddox, Marketing Manager: “I think Nanjing Expat is a place they [advertisers] can feel safe to display their brands and reach out to the community without fear of something ugly being written or placed right next to their company’s name.”

Ronald Paredes, Graphic Designer: “With the logo for Nanjing Expat I wanted to represent the community of people from different nationalities and races working together to give shape to a city that somehow is now our new home. If you break the logo the faces with different expressions and colors represent the diversity of our expat community, the faces are drawn with handmade ink strokes which represents the labor and work of each one of us to build a better community and improve the city. All this elements put in the shape of the plum blossom flower, which is the symbol that represents the city of Nanjing.”

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