
Links Between Pharaohs and Emperors Explored in Nanjing Museum


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As China opens up to the world, ever more curious people (both foreign and Chinese) are beginning to make comparisons between ancient civilisations from around the world and that of ancient China.

So it is no wonder that many have already theorising actual links between cultures while noting differences and making comparisons.

One example hypothesis noted links between the ancient Mayan people of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize and the earliest Chinese through studying comparisons in healing methods, language, maths and art.

Further comparisons between China and India, Rome, Egypt and Meso-America have looked at differences in religion, funeral customs, martial arts, medicine, money, technology, the ruling elite, politics as well as military structures and their uses.

A recent exhibition in Beijing highlighted extraordinary similarities between Chinese and Mayan relics. This year it is Nanjing’s turn to help shine a light on ancient China and Egypt. The “Pharaoh-Emperor: The Story of the Ancient Egyptian Civilisation and Han Dynasty Civilisation” exhibition was unveiled at the Nanjing Museum on 10th of August. A water bottle and an ID card is all you need to soak in some history and ponder the ancients and their civilisations this summer.

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