
Deputy Consul Stops off at Nanjing’s Foreign Media Company


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The new British Deputy Consul General Shanghai, Mr. Tony Clemson, has spent the last two days in Nanjing, and chose the SinoConnexion (Hefu Media) offices as one of just a few stops on this, his first of many trips to Jiangsu as one of the regions overseen by the Consulate, along with Zhejiang and Anhui provinces as well as the municipality of Shanghai itself.

The Deputy Consul’s visit was an opportunity to see up close the operations of SinoConnexion as a good example of a British SME with a focus on the creative industries operating in China; exactly that which the UK government has been pushing of late.

Having been in China only two and a half weeks, the Deputy is obviously keen to quickly get to know his new operating environment, and understand the make up of the British and international communities that the Consulates serve. As such, at SinoConnexion Mr. Clemson was introduced to the company’s range of media products for the international community, including The Nanjinger magazine, along with other cultural and promotional work the company does for the Nanjing municipal government, among other entities.

The visit also coincided nicely with Work Week for grade ten students from Nanjing International School. This year four students, Shelley Chen, Neha Kasturi, Sarah Nappi and Juan Andrade Calderon, are on assignment to write stories for the upcoming June issue of The Nanjinger. Seeing the young expats experience work in a real world Chinese environment left a great impression on the Deputy Consul as he grows into his new role as bridge between China and the UK.

Pictured are British Deputy Consul General Shanghai, Mr. Tony Clemson (seated centre), SinoConnexion Co-founder Frank Hossack (seated left), along with representatives from the Nanjing Foreign Affairs Office, including Director Xia Yan (third from right), and the British Consulate General Shanghai together with SinoConnexion employees.

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