
Historical memory: Changzhou’s foremost grocery store


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Time-honored brands always witness the development of times in the city despite changes in urban development.

Currently, Changzhou’stime-honored brandsare mainly in the catering, retail, crafts and other industries. Ruihetai is a century-old grocery store, selling cigarettes, alcohols, tea, groceries, high-grade nutritional supplements, national goods, high quality agricultural products, products of Changzhou, chocolates, candies, imported food and thousands of other varieties. Shopping presents at Ruihetai has become a tradition in Changzhou.

Today, Ruihetai would go to the place of origin for each purchase of new varieties so that it can find the most authentic quality products. In addition, Ruihetai focuses a lot on quality assurance. The oldest employee of Ruihetai, Fang Hongda, has worked there for four decades.Though he is retired now, he still learns national goods, seafood and other goods. He has compiled a guide book on these goods, introducing the basics of all kinds of goods and related identification methods. This book has become a training manual for Ruihetai employees.

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