
First night flight in Suzhou


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The opening ceremony of night flight was held at Ruohang (Suzhou) Helicopter Base on the evening of Sept 26. Visitors can take a night tour around Jinji Lake on the helicopter in Suzhou.

This night tour is the first one in Chinese Mainland.

“Suzhou Industrial Park is highly modernized and ablaze with lights at night. A lot of landmark buildings can be regarded as indicators. It is suitable to promote night flight here,” said Lyu Yong, Chairman of Ruohang Group.

The flight level at night will be elevated to over 300 m, nearly 100 m higher than that in the daytime, to avoid affecting surface structures.

Night flight around Jinji Lake is not organized on a regular basis due to weather, military control and other reasons. But it will be organized on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays in the future.

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