
Suzhou man detained for keeping rare pets


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Xiao Liu and Xiao Yun (alias) are Suzhou natives and friends, but they recently had a falling-out, so Xiao Yun told the police that Xiao Liu kept more than ten big snakes and five “monsters” at home.

The police found tens of boxes at Xiao Liu’s, in which there were all kinds of reptiles, including green and red-eyed bamboo snake and cobra which is more than two meter long.

When questioned by the police, Xiao Liu admitted that he kept 14 snakes and five emperor newts. He called himself a reptile fanatic and the snakes were bought online.

Professionals concluded that the emperor newts kept by Xiao Liu were Level-2 national protected wildlife and the five stripe-tailed rat snakes were provincial-level protected animals.

The police brought Xiao Liu into custody for allegations of criminal illegality, and the reptiles were transported to the Mount Qionglong Wildlife Protection Center and the aquarium for temporary custody.

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