
Foreign honorary citizens sit in on 12th Jiangsu PPC


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Two foreign honorary citizens of Jiangsu province attended the 12th Jiangsu Provincial People’s Congress (PPC), which opened in Nanjing Great Hall of the People on the morning of Jan. 19.

Roland Gerke, president and CEO of BSH Home Appliances Holding (China), has attended conferences of this level for at least five times. As a foreigner living in Jiangsu for a long time, he cares much about all its development and future plans. He praised the initiatives of the people in Jiangsu. “I feel responsible and interested in all the initiatives,” said Gerke.

He also spoke highly of the simplified conference agenda, “The work report of the Jiangsu provincial government clearly depicts the next leap of the development. The flowers in the meeting room and in the text are not there. The work report is very compacted information, which is very good.”

Gerke also showed his worries about the environment. He mentioned that the development pattern in Jiangsu should be more high-tech and energy-efficient, and his company also made energy consumption reducing a long-term determination and focus.

This is the first time for Ken Smith, speaker of Parliament of Victoria in Australia, to attend a congress as a governor. He was especially impressed with the interesting opinions from the public. He emphasized the importance of agriculture as well as family community in rural areas. He also praised the government work report as a good, practical and positive one.

Jiangsu started to invited foreign guest to audit the Provincial People’s Congress in 2010.

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