
Nanjing Government confirms local expat firm will make “Happy Nanjing” video


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The Nanjing municipal government has awarded Nanjing based SinoConnexion a contract to produce a “Happy Nanjing” video, inspired by the Pharrell Williams’ song “Happy”. The UK company won the contract after taking the initiative to produce a pilot version of the video in March that helped introduce the idea to local officials, while also showing off the potential for viral video marketing for the city of Nanjing.

To date, only three other happy videos exist in China; those for Beijing, Shanghai and Macao. With 150,000 views to date, the Beijing version coupled with the Nanjing pilot helped convince local authorities of the feasibility of the project.

Keen that Nanjing be seen by the world as a highly internationalised city, yet one that operates in a rich historical context, the Nanjing government thinks of the Happy Nanjing video as being an ideal way to put across this perspective. SinoConnexion Production Director Frank Hossack said, “We have 54 shots in the script; that’s 54 chances to show off Nanjing’s greatest locations, many of which are steeped in thousands of years of history, in which there will be people from all over the world singing, dancing and generally being happy. As a city promotion it’s a tremendous idea and we’re delighted the Nanjing government have jumped on board the concept 100 percent”.

As the project enters into its production stage, the organisers are looking for volunteers to appear as extras in the video. Those interested in taking part can visit to see a regularly updated forum post that will inform people interested in taking part, as well as accepting questions and comments from would-be participants.

About the global happy video phenonemon
Williams’ song “Happy” was at first promoted using a video advertised as being “the world’s first 24 hour music video”, comprising the four-minute song repeated 360 times with various people dancing around Los Angeles and miming along. As a result, people the world over have been making their own versions of the video in which people from different cities dance to the song. The website attempts to track all the happy videos that have been made, and as of 14th April, 2014, reported the total to have reached 1,225, with in the order of 15 new videos being added every day.

About SinoConnexion
Based in Nanjing, SinoConnexion provides international quality video production, as well as print, internet, radio and television advertising agency services, plus website design, new media promotion, production of audio materials and a range of design services. The company’s Co-Founder and Production Director, Frank Hossack, is a four time winner of a New York Festivals award who moved to China in 1993 to assist China’s radio stations in the production of popular western music based entertainment programming.

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