
From Court to Client; the Life of Lawyers on the Move


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As soon as a person wakes up, there are so many things to be dealt with on an everyday basis. This could be said true for lawyers practicing litigation or for transactional lawyers. In both cases, it is essential that the lawyers are always on the move in the interest of their clients.

Being a lawyer is a demanding profession, with all those related to the legal fraternity, such as law makers, law keepers, judges and attorneys, keepers of rule of land and justice, also required to be in constant motion. 

For litigating lawyers, as soon as they begin in engaging in the client’s interest, they prepare the case materials, including the Plaint and all other documents necessary to move the Court in order to protect the interest of their client. 

The judge, on a step-by-step basis, decides the case brought before him and applies the relevant law to the case. All of this requires the lawyers, judges, parties in the case, witnesses and other interested persons to be in constant movement until the stage of final delivery of justice. 

At that time, the law also provides a mechanism through which the aggrieved party can move a higher court to repeal the judgement of the lower court. Again, this begins with the constant movement of all the parties involved, including the lawyers, judges and all other interested persons. 

Therefore, in the legal field it becomes essential that lawyers are always on the move in order to protect the law of the land and bring about justice and harmony in society. It is also essential that the legal fraternity is constantly well-informed and updated with the latest changes in order to keep laws updated with the current times. 

It’s a similar story for transactional lawyers, whereby they are in constant motion, either by holding relevant discussions as to the manner of their transactions, or by the drafting of required documents keeping in mind relevant laws. 

Transactional lawyers are also always on the move with discussing strategies in the board room or conference room and negotiating with clients or another party on behalf of their clients. 

Unfortunately, due to all the above, to work overtime has become the norm, resulting in frequent burnout, excessive stress, substance abuse and mental health issues, plus an overall lack of well-being. Although every lawyer has his or her own unique way of doing business, most lawyers find themselves in a similar struggle. 

Transactional lawyers often find themselves on the move in a very literal sense, when meeting new clients or when the needs of a client are such that the lawyer is required to travel. 

Juggling all the aspects involved, as well as the phone calls, case listing, pending work, clients’ requirements and all other such aspects while still being on the go becomes a challenging aspect of the job meaning it is one usually only done by experienced and veteran lawyers.

For some people, being on the go becomes the norm, while others prefer a somewhat mundane life which is more routine. In the case of lawyers, however, being on the move is the only choice that they have, the only option open for a fulfilling and satisfying life, both professionally as a lawyer and personally.

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