
Section Head – May 2013 – Leadership leading to self responsibility – part 2


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In association with Machwuerth Team International

Leadership has proven to be essential, especially in times of crises and change. Short span change cycles, conflicting targets, incomprehensible technical and economic processes, upheaval of traditional orientation patterns can only be addressed when, at all levels of responsibility, trust in the innate potential, courage to take on calculated risks and the determination to act resolutely are givens.

High external pressure in business environments leads to greater inner insecurity and feelings of loss of control. Therein, the leader’s task is to strengthen the performance potential of their team by making sure that:

  • Team members deal with challenges in a constructive way and work out a form of orientation by themselves
  • Every individual takes on responsibility for their own role in the process
  • Enduring and stable trust-based relationships are formed
  • Potential and competencies of the team members are continually improved and developed

Leadership has always been about handling difficult situations, hence all leaders look for orientation and support. Yet, its very concept implies that every leader will need, to a large degree, to provide a purpose, orientation and means to address the situation, as well as the necessary support.

Requirement Profile for Leadership
Seven main attributes emerge as prerequisites for successful leadership behaviour in today’s business world.

Responsibility and ownership Set oneself challenging goals, realize business objectives in a sustainable way, set priorities, communicate clearly and consistently, find solutions and implement thereof, define realities, act vigorously and with discipline.

Self-orientation Be aware of oneself, occupy and hold one’s ground, take up a position even for sensitive or unpopular topics, deal with the new and the unknown confidently, display a broad and flexible spectrum of behaviour according to varying situations along with a clearly defined personal set of values.

Entrepreneurial spirit Able to develop and advance business, be highly driven to succeed, be sensitive to market signals and perceive business opportunities; envisage and design products, processes and behaviour from the point of view of the customer; have the ability and courage to strike new paths when necessary while consistently enforcing quality control.

Ability to provide purpose and to prompt certain behaviour Provide purpose and understanding, communicate in authentic and credible ways, mobilize energy and strong work performance, encourage others, sense powers at play within the organization and recognize key leverage points for success, provide clear accountability and a transparent task structure to enable others’ success.

Successful relationship management Display a convincing and confident manner while proactively engaging with others, facilitate relationships based on partnership and cooperation, build and maintain networks with people of diverse backgrounds.

Emotional stability Have trust in one’s own abilities and strengths, remain calm and reliable under pressure, understand one’s own and others’ feelings, tolerate frustration, be able to deal with disappointments while remaining ready to act at the same time, display appropriate and target-oriented conflict-resolution behaviour.

Eagerness to learn and develop Learn from experience, thereby broadening the range of response; grasp challenging situations and opportunities therein; collect feedback of one’s own effect on others, take a long-term view and acting accordingly; develop a pioneering spirit by nourishing talent, developing team members and providing support in difficult situations; act resolutely on a lack of willingness to perform.

The leadership challenge of today consists of continuously working on these leadership qualities.

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